St Martin at Shouldham-Respecting, Generous and Achieving
All Saints Academy-Loving All Our Neighbours
The whole school curriculum is knowledge-rich, ambitious and provides all pupils, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds and those on the SEND register, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Our curriculum, the Primary Knowledge Curriculum, aligns with the national curriculum. It has been coherently planned and is well-sequenced, laying the foundations of knowledge in EYFS and building on this throughout the primary years. The broad curriculum is followed consistently by all pupils.
A knowledge-rich curriculum exposes children to ambitious content that has been highly specified and well-sequenced, leaving nothing to chance. A knowledge-rich curriculum ensures that each precious moment will support children in acquiring the knowledge, skills and cultural capital that they will need to become well-educated citizens of the future. Every historical figure encountered, philosophical idea grappled with, and scientific concept applied, fits neatly into a scheme of learning that holds a sense of purpose and develops logically from lesson to lesson, unit to unit and year to year.
Through utilising cognitive science, and the psychology of learning, memory and schemata, a knowledge-rich curriculum is designed to ensure that the knowledge is taught to be remembered. At its core, a knowledge-rich curriculum enables all children, regardless of socio-economic background, to be provided with the opportunities to succeed in later life.
Our curriculum has taken all the evidence and research into account to ensure that it incorporates the principles of spaced retrieval, formative “low-stakes” quizzing and plenty of practice to develop knowledge fluency that pursue mastery.
What are the principles of our Knowledge-Rich Curriculum?
The content in our curriculum has been carefully chosen by subject experts and has been sequenced in a meaningful way that enables all children to make connections and progress from unit to unit, term to term and year to year. We recognise and value each subject and teach them discretely, ensuring that our children develop a deep understanding and love of each distinct discipline. Where appropriate, links are made across disciplines to enable children to make meaningful connections. Our curriculum includes local history, geography, and other locally relevant subject content.
Monitoring in the wider curriculum
Subject leaders understand the curriculum across all year groups and how this is sequenced and shows progression.
During the school year, we check that the curriculum is delivered effectively (in line with our subject-specific pedagogy) and with fidelity to PKC. We have a system of checking this through lesson visits, looking at books and – importantly – through conversations with pupils. By talking to pupils, we can ascertain what knowledge they have retained.
Through these monitoring processes, subject leaders will become aware of any individual children or groups of children are struggling to progress through the curriculum. This is then fed back to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT).
Tailoring our curriculum for children in the Village Saints Partnership
We recognise the value of using local studies and opportunities where possible, such as historical links in the local area including working with the Stoke Ferry History Group and Shouldham Parish Council, Art links with local artists and Farm to Fork initiatives.
As a Church school it is also pertinent that we link our Curriculum to Global Learning. We weave this into our daily curriculum and it is often spearheaded by our pupil school councillors and Eco councillors. Essentially, education for a fair and sustainable world, where our children learn to live life in all its fullness. This fullness involves developing academically, physically, socially, spiritually, morally, culturally, and artistically. Our curriculum is the means by which we engender this development and ensure that our children receive their fair share of the rich cultural inheritance our nation and our world affords.
Our intention is that through this marriage of values and cultural capital, children are suitably equipped to make sense of the increasingly globalized, complex and rapidly changing world in which they live.
That they leave our schools being able to think critically about world issues and to develop an awareness of the impact their own actions can have on others.
Subject content is crucial to this approach- the rich content of the curriculum inspires children and plants the seeds for a lifetime of learning. Complying with the Equality Act 2010, we include a full range of issues, ideas and materials to expose pupils to thoughts and ideas of all kinds, however challenging or controversial. In doing so we ensure that the way in which issues are taught does not subject individual pupils to discrimination.
How we adapt the curriculum and learning environment for children & young people with SEND
We believe that inclusive education means supporting all pupils to learn, contribute and participate in all aspects of school life alongside their peers. Our curriculum includes, not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also a range of additional opportunities to enrich the experiences of our children.
Our curriculum also includes the social aspects that are essential for life-long learning, personal growth and development of independence.
We adapt the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with SEN:
In the Foundation Stage, the children learn through the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum where the focus is on learning through play. When staff judge children to be ready they begin working on the National Curriculum.
Through the Foundation Stage, aspects of skills and knowledge from the National Curriculum are introduced in order to provide progression for the children.
The National Curriculum sets out what children should know, understand and do in each year group in the following subjects: English, Maths, Science, Computing, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Music, Art and Design, Physical Education, Personal, Social and Health Education.
Our Curriculum is more than the National Curriculum and is designed to develop subject knowledge skills and understanding and develop key social and learning skills.
We plan topics and themes which will engage children and make learning meaningful, utilsing outdoor learning where possible e.g. Forest School, to deepen the impact. These themes draw together different parts of the National Curriculum.
At the beginning of each half term, teachers provide a curriculum map for the forthcoming term to all children and their parents which is sent out electronically or on paper as required.
These maps give details of what the class will be learning throughout the term in all subjects.
St Martin at Shouldham Primary
Tel: 01366 347260
All Saints Academy
Tel: 01366 501050
St Martin at Shouldham Address:
Lynn Road
King's Lynn, PE33 0BU
All Saints Academy Address:
Wretton Road
Stoke Ferry
King's Lynn, PE33 9QJ
DEMAT Office Address:
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