Our aim is to bring the best out of every pupil that attends The Village Saints Partnership
Safeguarding - Keeping Our Children Safe
The Village Saints Partnership is committed to safeguarding and ensuring the welfare of all pupils. We have a detailed Safeguarding Policy that details the procedures staff follow to protect children from harm and promote their welfare.
Pupil Welfare
Parents are asked to keep us informed of any changes to their child's health that might affect their well-being at school. It is important that we are aware of conditions such as asthma, epilepsy, allergies, hearing or sight impairments, diabetes or eczema.
Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust promotes and supports the health needs of children in our school through its school nursing services. School Nurses are responsible for screening children at school entry, checking vision, hearing, weight and height. Parents can access the school nurse at any time, if they have any concerns. In school, school nurses may work alongside teachers in a health promotion role.
We will supervise the administration of prescribed medication when it needs to be taken more than three times a day. Medication should be clearly labelled with the child's name, dosage, method of administration, and timing of dose. Parents/carers are required to complete an administration of medicines form at the school office.
Norovirus (Winter Vomiting Bug)
Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes vomiting and diarrhoea. It is easily spread by contact with an infected person, and outbreaks in schools are common.
If your child develops symptoms of norovirus, they should avoid direct contact with others until 48 hours after the symptoms have gone. They should not be sent back to school until this symptom free time has elapsed, as they may still be able to pass the virus to others. Following these precautions will help to limit the spread of the virus around the school. For more information on the symptoms, treatment and prevention of norovirus, click here to follow a link to NHS Choices.
Head Lice and Threadworms
Unfortunately, all schools experience head lice and threadworm outbreaks from time to time. We ask all parents to remain vigilant, performing checks at home regularly (especially at the beginning and end of terms), encouraging good hand washing habits at home (after using the toilet and before eating), and making arrangements for treatment quickly in order to minimise spread.
To help prevent outbreaks, longer hair should be tied back at school, and children are asked to wash their hands before eating and after using the toilet. Although we have hand gel available at school, this is not a substitute for good hand washing habits, and will not remove threadworm eggs from little hands!
These links to NHS Choices provide further information about head lice and threadworms.
Concerns and complaints
At The Village Saints Partnership, we make very effort to resolve all concerns that parents have about their children and the school. Often an informal discussion when additional information is provided can establish the facts and clarify a situation.
If you are unhappy about any aspect of your child's education or experience at school, please make an appointment to see the class teacher. We would hope that discussing the matter with the teacher should be enough to resolve the problem. However, if you are still unhappy about the outcome of the meeting, you should make an appointment to see the Headteacher. We work as a team at The Village Saints Partnership, and your concern will have been passed on to the Headteacher by the class teacher. The Headteacher will be aware of any action that has been taken. We aim to work in partnership with parents and, again, every effort will be made to resolve the issue.
If you are still unhappy at this stage, you may wish to contact the Chair of the Governing Body though.
Please remember that
Parent Forum meetings are held once every half term. Dates and times are advertised in the school newsletter. Please do join us at these meetings to share your views and learn more about your child's education.
St Martin at Shouldham Primary
Tel: 01366 347260
All Saints Academy
Tel: 01366 501050
St Martin at Shouldham Address:
Lynn Road
King's Lynn, PE33 0BU
All Saints Academy Address:
Wretton Road
Stoke Ferry
King's Lynn, PE33 9QJ
DEMAT Office Address:
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