Year 1 Adventurers

Year 1 Adventurers

Welcome to Our Year 1 Adventurers Class Page!

Welcome to the Adventurers' class - a group of Year 1 pupils. We have made the transition to a more formal method of teaching and learning but still enjoy a range of play-based experiences when we can. We are developing into independent learners who are willing to have a go.


The Adventurers are taught by Miss Hankins. 

Adventurers communicate with parents through our on-class page on Class Dojo. A unique code for you to use in order to join the page has been sent home, along with the all-important permission slip which must be returned before we can set the page up. Below is some more information about the page and how to join.

Please Find The Attached National Curriculum for Year 1.

In our class you will find:

Class Teacher: Miss Hankins

Learning Support Assistant: Miss Jory and Mrs Blount

Our PE day will be: Friday

Class Gallery

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