Year 5 Voyagers

Year 5 Voyagers

Welcome to Voyagers’ class!


In Voyagers class, we are confident using a wide range of skills across the curriculum and are extending our application of these. We enjoy all of our learning and are looking forward to voyaging further afield in our learning. Who knows where it will take us this year...


We use ICT and iPads to support and extend our learning, as we continue to be responsible, independent learners. We are developing our confidence in expressing ourselves and our ideas in many different ways.


As always, we have many exciting things planned! Below is an overview of our learning for this half term including the knowledge organisers for each subject so you can see what new knowledge the children will be learning:

Class Teacher:  Mr Davies

Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Blount

Our PE days will be on a Thursday so we ask that the children come into school wearing their PE kits on this day.

Class Gallery

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